We would like to hear your opinion about our homepage in German, English, Hungarian, Slovene, French or Italian! We deactivated our guest book due to spammers. However, feel free to continue sending us your messages by email (slovenskoporabje@gmail.com) with the reference "guest book". We will then publish them in our guest book. Thank you for your cooperation. slovenskoporabje@gmail.com Guestbook I would very much like to get in touch with Kaitlin Frumen (2020.08.06 post in Guestbook). It seems amazing that her great grandmother was one of five sisters who grew up in Sulinci and emigrated to the US in 1907 (probably Pennsylvania and maybe even Bethlehem). I say amazing because my maternal grandmother was one of five sisters who grew up in Sulinci and emigrated to Bethlehem in 1905. For perspective, the population of Sulinci hovers around 200. Can you imagine two groups of five girls each growing up in such a small village at the same time and then emigrating to the US at about the same time? There has got to be information there to be shared, even this many years later. For the record, as I continue to research my grandfather Adam Duh?s ancestors who lived in nearby Boreca, my grandmother from Sulinci was Teresa Koltai, both very Windish. Her parents were Janos Koltai (who reportedly changed his name from Korosec) and Fanni (Luther) Koltai (died 1951 in Sulinci). I may be able to help Kaitlin with some US sources of Windish history in PA. Thanks. Bob Watson - 2021.05.05. I am new to your website and just immersing myself into all of its features. On your home page, you have posted a 2009 comment regarding the website from a Mr Ron Dixon. That name is not familiar to me, but he mentions his research of his Duh family. That is the family name of my ancestors from the Prekmurje region whom I am currently researching. Do you have any way of putting me in touch with Mr. Dixon? Thank you. robertwatson6@comcast.net Bob Watson - 2021.05.01. Vielen Dank für das Kompliment liebe Franziska! Es freut uns, dass Ihnen unsere Webseite gefällt! Viele Grüsse ins wunderschöne Graubünden! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2021.05.01. Geniale Webseite, tolle Arbeit! Hut ab! Grüsse aus dem Bündnerland! Franziska aus der Surselva - 2021.04.25. Liebe Monika! Vielen Dank für das Kompliment und für die guten Wünsche! Es freut uns, dass Ihnen unsere Webseite gefällt! Wir wünschen Ihnen auch alles Gute! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2020.11.19. Lieber Tibor und lieber Joël, ich habe eure Internetseite über die Slowenen in Ungarn besucht und sehr viel Interesseantes über die slowenische Volksgruppe in Ungarn erfahren. Ihr habt wirklich eine tolle Arbeit gemacht! Hut ab! Ich wünsche euch alles Gute und bleibt gesund! Eure Monika aus Luzern - 2020.11.11. Dober dan draga najina prijateljica Majda! Hvala lepa za dobre želje in za lepe besede!Ljudje, kot si ti in tvoji prijatelji, naju motivirajo, da nadaljujeva s najinim projektom, ki ga izvajava v prostem casu! Kako cas leti. Minilo je dve leti, odkar si ti in tvoji prijatelji bili pri naju v Porabju. Najlepša hvala, ker ste naju obiskali! Zelo sva bila vesela, da ste naju prišli obiskat! Totalno sva uživala v dnevu z vami! Upava, da naju boste ponovno obiskali v Porabju! Vi ste vedno dobrodošli! Super si Majda! Do takrat želiva tebi, tvoj družini in vsem prijateljem vse dobro in bodite zdravi! Tvoja prijatelja iz Porabja! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2020.11.08. Tibor in JoëlDober dan draga moja prijatelja Tibor in Joel. Tudi mi Primorci smo se spraševali kakšna pokrajina in kakšni ljudje živijo v Slovenskem Porabju, dokler vaju nismo obiskali. To je cudovita pokrajina, z lepimi vasicami, kjer ljudje govorijo slovensko, seveda dialekt, podoben prekmurscini. Mi smo imeli sreco, da sta nas vodila prav vidva, ki sta se maksimalno potrudila. Hvala vama za to. Ko bodo dopušcale razmere, vas znova obišcemo. Vidva sta enkratna promotorja Slovenskega Porabja. Iskrene cestitke za vajino delo! Majda iz Nove Gorice - 2020.11.08. Thank you for the compliment dear David! Greetings to the States! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2020.09.20. Dear Tibor and Joël, Congratulation on your great work! Really fascinating. Thank you guys! David from Allentown, PA - 2020.09.07. Hi Kaitlin! Thank you very much for writing us! Concerning your questions about the Windish language and heritage we sent you an email. It would be great if you visited the Vas County and so also the Slovene Raba region in Hungary! We are looking forward to meeting you once in the Raba Region in Hungary! Till then we wish you all the best! Greetings from Europe! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2020.08.09. Hi Joel and Tibor! My name is Kaitlin Frumen. I grew up hearing about my great grandparents coming to Pennsylvania from Yugoslavia. I was always told that we were Wendish. Being interested in ancestry, I've tried to research the Wends since I was 10 (i'm 33 now) and I never had too much luck, bits of information here and there. Your website has been so informative and helpful.Recently I've been in touch with some distant relatives whose grandparents were sisters to my great grandmother. They were able to send photos to me of our distant family going back to Šulinci in 1968 to visit the family farm where the girls grew up. My great grandmothers name was Lena Bohar and she grew up in Sulinci before coming to the US in 1907. She had 4 or 5 sisters who also came over. Lena Bohar married my great grandfather Franz Frumen. He came from a town called Vaskorpad (according to Ellis Island records) but I had been told it was called Koprivnik and it looks like its the same place just one is the Hungarian name and one is the Slovene name. I know they were Lutherans.I was always curious what language they spoke- I was told they spoke a few languages but apparently there was something different in my great grandmother's background that my great grandfather would tease her about. I'm not sure if it was because she was Windish and spoke Windish as well as Hungarian. Did all Windish speak Hungarian? Did they speak Slovenian as well? How different is Slovenian from Windish? There an expression that has been passed down through my family and perhaps you can help me decipher if it is Windish:Ve ne che drek ne te che "do not stir shit or it will stink worse"Meaning- don't cause more problems. I know im not spelling it right- Can you help me??I'm very interested in learning about the Windish language and heritage and I hope to make a trip to the Vas region to see where my family came from.Any information you can share with me is welcome. Kait - 2020.08.06. Thank you very much for writing in our guestbook dear Larissa! We are very happy you like our website and that you found precious information about your roots! We wish you all the best and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2019.07.18. Dear Tibor and Joel, thank you very much for interesting informations about Raba region.My grandmother comes from that region but she married and went to Greece.I was born in Greece and I looked for the informations about Raba region.Luckely I found your site and I saw many useful informations.Many greetings from Larissa,Greece Dimitris, Larissa, Greece - 2019.07.12. Guten Tag Herr Horvath und Herr Gerber, vor ein paar Tagen unternahm ich zusammen mit Freunden eine ausgiebige Fahrradtour im Dreiländereck und wir waren allesamt begeistert von dieser Gegend. Es gibt hier so viel Interessantes zu sehen und zu erleben! Viel unberührte Natur, tolle Radwege und überall zuvorkommende und freundliche Menschen. Wir kommen zwar alle aus Graz und Umgebung und waren auch schon im Burgenland, jedoch v. a. im nördlichen Teil. Als wir wieder zu Hause in der Steiermark waren, informierten wir uns im Internet über das Dreiländereck und sind dabei auf Ihre sehr informative und liebevoll gestaltete Internetseite gestoßen. So viel Wissenswertes und das auch noch komplett in zwei Sprachen! Kompliment meine Herren! Sie haben wirklich eine tolle Arbeit geleistet! Uns war gar nicht bewusst, dass in Ungarn auch Slowenen leben. Sehr interessant! Von Burgenlandkroaten hatten wir schon viel gehört, aber von Raabgebietslowenen? Nein, die sagten uns bisher nichts. Daher vielen Dank für die wertvolleAufklärungsarbeit. Man lernt bekanntlich nie aus. Ich wünsche Ihnen (auch im Namen meiner Fahrradfreunde) weiterhin viel Erfolg mit Ihrer Internetseite! Bis bald in Ihrer schönen Region. Mit freundlichen Grüßen! F. Sedlmaier aus Graz - 2019.06.06 Hvala za kompliment! Veseli naju, da vam je najina spletna stran všec! Lepe pozdrave iz slovenskega Porabja! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2019.04.15 Hvala prijatelja za super delo! Vidva sta zakon! Ana Bajzek, Kranj, Slovenija - 2019.04.07 Thank you dear Lara for the compliment! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2019.04.03. Wow! Fantastic website! Great work! Thank you Tibor and Joel! Lara Miller, Ohio, USA - 2019.04.03. Hi Tibor & Joel,Sorry for being late in response…I have spent the last few days knee deep into the website via the link you sent me! Thanks!!! I was able to gather a lot of information there from 1896-1920 or so that I didn’t have otherwise via Ancestry. com and other sources. I even found a few siblings of my great-grandfather that I didn’t know he had! Although going through the microfilm was tedious, what was extremely helpful are the addresses linked to the people. It has helped me “map out” potential siblings living near each other that I haven’t been able to link definitively otherwise. It even seems that the addresses from then may be the same as they are today. Great stuff!I did get the chance to meet relatives when I went 15 years ago. A second cousin in Pittsburgh (since deceased) wrote a letter (in wendish) introducing me to his brothers and sisters there. If they are still alive, they are likely in their 80’s. Beyond the letter he wrote, we really couldn’t communicate much although we did spend a lot of time together. I hired a Hungarian man, who used to have a genealogy website in Hungary and he helped me out with those who spoke Hungarian. We made a number of stops to people’s homes on all three sides of the border and we met the priest, who did invite us in to see the records. Seeing the priest was an added bonus as I never planned it. We just got lucky. I copied a lot of what I could although technology in those “old days 15 years ago” was not what it is today to more easily scan things! :-)When I go back, I will at least be in a position to have a more targeted search through records there, as well as know what to look for in the cemeteries in Felsoszolnok and Martinje/Magasfok. I have direct family on all sides of the borders, although it seems those most linked to my great-great-grandfather originated in Martinje/Magasfok. I do plan to go back, but my greatest need, I think, will be managing the language barrier. That is why I was asking whether you knew about possible assistance in the research who could also help in that way.Meanwhile, I have now managed all of the births on the website from 1896-1920 and now on to the deaths to see what kind of link I can make to the 1850’s and earlier. Although I have direct descendants traced back to earlier, I want to find their siblings as it can really help bring together some of the “loose ends” of my tree (meaning those I am near certain belong in the tree, but I can’t make the link yet). Thanks again and, if you have ideas on people that might be able to assist in the area, please let me know.Best regards Mike Sukitch, Pennsylvania - 2019.01.18. Dear Mike,thank you very much for your email and for visiting our website! Concerning your on-site-genealogical research we would like to ask you, if you were able to meet relatives in Felsõszölnök, when you were there 15 years ago or you visited this place without knowing anyone there?Actually everyone who was born in Felsõszölnök and Martinje 100 years ago and earlier should be in the baptism record of the Church of Felsõszölnök. You should make an appointment with the local priest and he will let you browse through the records. Do you know any relatives in Felsõszölnök?Please do not hesitate to contact us, when you have any questions. Please stay in contact! Kind regards! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2019.01.13. Dear Tibor and Joel,I came across your website as I was doing research on my family “Szukics”, who come originally from Felsoszolnok and across the border in Martinje. Reading about Windish has brought to light what I knew of from my parents and grandparents in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where many from the village eventually settled at the turn of the 20th Century. There was a Windish Club where everyone congregated, although at the time in the 60’s and 70’s I was too young to care. What I would do for the opportunity to turn back the clock!I love your pictures from the cemetery in Felsoszolnok. When I was there 15 years ago, I realized how many family names I knew from the Windish club were the same I found in the cemetery. From Szukics to Kozar to Horvath and many others, it really was amazing how this little village supplied seemingly the entire neighborhood in Pittsburgh where I grew up!I also took pictures at cemetery in Martinje, which I think shared the same church in Felsoszolnok before WWI. I have been piecing together my family through various records I copied at the church, old family stories and photos and now whatever I can find online via Ancestry.com and other sources. Still, nothing gives the context the way your website does and I appreciate your efforts keeping the Vendivek story alive!I will keep looking for updates and more pictures! Keep up the great work.Warmest regards, Mike Sukitch, Pennsylvania - 2019.01.08. Guten Tag Markus! Danke für das Kompliment! Es freut uns sehr, dass Ihnen unsere Webseite gefällt! Wir haben übrigens seit März 2017 auch eine eigene FB Seite "Slovensko Porabje", auf der wir u.a. auch Fotos aus dem slow. Raabgebiet in Ungarn posten. Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2019.01.08. Ich war letzten Sommer auf einer Fahrradtour im Dreiländereck Österreich-Ungarn-Slowenien. Mir gefiel die Region sehr und ich suchte daher nähere Informationen über diese Region im Internet und fand Ihre geniale Webseite! So viele lehrreiche Informationen und das alles auf Deutsch. Einfach toll! Markus aus Südtirol - 2019.01.06. Hvala Mirko na komplimentu i motivirajuc´im reèima! Veoma nam je drago što vam se svidja naš sajt! Da, mnogi ljudi su zahvaljujuèi našoj veb stranici saznali da u Madjarskoj postoje i etnicki Slovenci. Zahvaljujuèi našem veb sajtu, takodje mnogi potomci iseljenickih Slovenaca iz Madjarske saznali su da su njihovi preci govorili slovenaèki. Lepe Pozdrave iz slovenaèkega Porabje u Madjarskoj! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2018.12.30. Dobar dan! Hvala na vašem informativnom i divnom radu. Naucio sam puno o istoriji Slovenaca u Madarskoj. Iskreno, nisam znao da u Madarskoj postoje i Slovenci. Sve najbolje! Mirko iz Subotice - 2018.12.22. Thank you Mara! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2018.12.16. Great work! Thank you Tibor and Joel! Mara, Boston USA - 2018.12.11. Thank you very much for your kind words dear Eduardo! We really appreciate that! We are very pleased to hear you like our website and that it was an interesting and useful source of information for your family research. Owing to our website we got to know both your cousin Marcia, you and also many other great people of Slovenian origin from Porabje and from outside of Porabje living around the globe. We were so happy we had the opportunity to meet you in person in Szentgotthárd/Monošter this October!14 years ago, we realized that a lot of descendants of Hungarian Slovenes around the world were eager to learn more about their roots and therefore, we created our bilingual website (German/English) about the history, culture and traditions of the Slovenian minority in Hungary (www.vendvidek.com)We are looking forward to your sketches! Hats off, they are absolutely amazing!Many greetings to Brazil and thanks again for your words of praise!Your friends,Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2018.11.17. My respect to this guys, Tibor and Joël, who created a website about the Slovenians heritage in the Vendvidék region of Hungary. They helped me and my cousin Marcja to trace out the origins of our family and I am very grateful for that.In their website, besides all the interesting information, there are many pictures of tombstones - one of them was precisely the tombstone of my great-grandparents Jozsef and Teréz Bajzek, which guided me and my friend Cecilia in Felsöszölnök, and then later to discover relatives living in the area.I'll tell the whole path we took there, in time. I'm still working on my sketchbook and scanning the drawings. I want to share all of that with you.Obrigado!Thank you!Közsönöm szépen! Eduardo from Brazil - 2018.11.15. Dear Ilija, thank you for the compliment! We are very happy that you learnd a lot about the Slovenes in Hungary! Yes, also in Hungary is eisting an ethnic Slovenian minority. We wish you all the best and greetings to wonderful Skopje in Macedonia! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2018.8.31. Pozdravljena Anita! Hvala lepa za kompliment in za lepe besede glede najinega dela! To znava ceniti! Zelo naju veseli, da tebi je všeè najina spletna stran! Pred skoraj 14 leti sva opazila, da obstaja veliko potomcev Slovencev iz Porabja, ki živijo v vsem svetu želijo izvedeti veè o svojih koreninah. Zato sva naredila spletno stran dvojezièno. Poleg tega zahvaljujoè najinemu projektu vedno veè ljudi se uèi, da na Madžarskem obstaja tudi slovenska manjšina. Še enkrat hvala za pisanje v najini knjigi gostov! Lp. Tibor in Joël Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2018.8.24. Zelo dobra spletna stran, kjer lahko najdemo koristne informacije, slike in predstavitev Slovenskega Porabja, nenazadnje skupaj s facebook stranjo Slovensko Porabje zelo dobra promocija našega obmoèja. Hvala lepa za vajino delo! Lep pozdrav, Anita Anita Vajda - 2018.8.24. Dear Mr.Horvat and Mr.Gerber, thank you very much for your fantastic presentation on this website.I learned so much about Slovenians and I even did not know that Slovenians are living in Hungary! Very good job! Thanks again! Ilija from Skopje Anonymous - 2018.8.11. Dober dan Ana! Zelo naju veseli, da Vam je všeè najine delo! Tukaj je povzetek najinega projekta: Glejte: Press Articles --> Rodna Gruda - Homeland Lepe pozdrave iz Monoštra! Tibor in Joël www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2018.8.3. Hvala lepa prijatelja Tibor in Joël! 😊 Ana iz Kopra - 2018.7.28. Spoštovani gospod Humar, hvala lepa za vaše lepe besede. Resnièno ceniva to! Želiva vam lep dan! Lep pozdrav iz Porabja! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2018.7.26. Vielen Dank Michael! Viele Grüsse aus dem Raabgebiet! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2018.6.9. Sehr schöne und interessante Seite! Kompliment! Es grüßt Sie freundlich Michael aus Eisenstadt. Michi @ Eisenstadt - 2018.5.29. Spoštovana prijatelja Tibor in Joël! Hvala za odgovor! Popolnoma razumem to! Vidva naredita èudovito delo, za katero bi se rad iz srca zahvalil! Želim vama še naprej veliko uspeha in vse najboljše! A. Humar A. Humar - 2018.5.28. Dober dan gospod Humar! Hvala za kompliment in za Vaše sporoèilo! Vesela sva, da Vam je všeè najine delo! Glavni razlog, zakaj sva ustvarila najino spletno stran, je da na eni strani obvešèava ljudi, ki živijo po svetu, katerih predniki so izvirali iz slovenskega Porabje. Veèina jih pogosto ne govori veè slovensko, temveè jih zanima od kod prihajajo njihovi predniki. Zato sva se odloèila, da jim ponudiva informacije v nemšèini in anglešèini. To spletno stran izdelujeva v prostem èasu in zato sva dovolj zaposlena nenehno posodabljati spletno stran v nemškem in angleškem jeziku. Na drugi strani želiva, da bovo kultura, tradicije in zgodovina Slovencev na Madžarskem bolj znani po vsem svetu. Še veè: Spletne strani o slovencih na Madžarskem lahko veliko najdete v slovenšèini. Poleg tega ima dovolj ljudje v Porabju in v Sloveniji, ki se profesionalno ukvarjajo s to temo v slovenšèini. Upava, da naju razumete, da v prostem èasu ne moreva posodabljati spletno stran tudi v slovenšèini. Hvala lepa za razumevanje! Lepe pozdrave iz slovenskega Porabja! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2018.5.27. Dober dan gospod Horvat in gospod Gerber! Èestitam vama za vajino delo za slovenstvo na Madžarskem! Vprašanje: Zakaj pa spletna stran ni tudi v slovenšèini? Lep pozdrav iz Gorenjske! A.Humar A. Humar- 2018.5.26. Vielen Dank Jürgen! Es freut uns sehr, dass Ihnen unsere Webseite gefällt! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2018.4.17. Geniale Webseite! Gratuliere!😊 Jürgen aus Kassel - 2018.4.17. Grüß Euch Tibor und Joel! Ja, das ist eine sehr gute Idee! Wir melden uns. Genießt den Sonntag! Hubert und Anita - 2018.4.8. Guten Tag Herr & Frau Moosleitner! Besten Dank für Ihren Gästebucheintrag. Wir haben uns sehr über Ihre lobenden Worte gefreut! Es ist toll, dass Sie dank unserer Webseite von der Existenz einer slowenischen Minderheit in Ungarn erfahren haben. Genau das ist eines der Ziele, die wir mit unserer Webseite verfolgen; die Slowenen in Ungarn in der Welt bekannt zu machen. Wir würden uns auch freuen, Sie einmal persönlich kennenzulernen, wenn Sie wieder einmal in der Region sind. Kontaktieren Sie uns doch vorher per E-Mail und wir können einen Termin vereinbaren. Hier ist unsere E-Mail-Adresse: vendvidek@citromail.hu Wir wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Tag und würden uns freuen, bald von Ihnen zu hören. www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël -2018.4.6. Guten Tag Herr Horvat & Herr Gerber. Meine Frau und ich sind sehr häufig mit dem Fahrrad im Grenzgebiet zwischen Österreich und Ungarn unterwegs und schätzen diese Gegend sehr. Es gibt dort sehr viele Straßen und Wege, die ideal für einen Ausflug mit dem Fahrrad sind. Die Gegend ist auch stark bewaldet, was uns auch sehr gefällt. Wegen unserer Fahrradtouren durch das südliche Burgenland und das westliche Ungarn begannen wir, uns auch mehr für die kulturellen Gepflogenheiten dieser Region zu interessieren. Dabei sind wir auf Ihre sehr interessante Internetseite gestoßen. Wir wussten nicht, dass in Westungarn auch Slowenen leben. Die Burgenlandkroaten waren uns bekannt, aber Slowenen in Ungarn? Das war uns neu. Daher vielen Dank für Ihre tolle Arbeit und die zahlreichen wertvollen Informationen, die Sie auf Ihrer Seite präsentieren. Wer weiß, vielleicht treffen wir uns ja einmal persönlich, wenn wir wieder einmal mit dem Fahrrad in Ihrer Region unterwegs sind. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn es klappte! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Ihr H. Moosleitner. H. & A. Moosleitner - 2018.4.1. Dear Nancy! Thank you very much for writing in our questbook! Thank you also for the compliment concerning our work! There are Church records you can access on site. Btw.: The husband of Tibor's aunt is a Gmeindl. www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2018.3.13. I am glad to see you are keeping up this website. I look at it several times a year to see if there is anything new about the village of Alsoszolnok. Do you know if there is a list of the names in the cemetery there that I can access? The names I am looking for are Kern and Gmeindl. Keep up the good work.Nancy Kern - 2018.3.12. Thank you very much for your kind words! With kind regards, www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2018.2.20. What a great website, what a great job you guys did! Koszonom szepen!!! My husband's family comes from Felsosolnok. Anne Sulich, San Jose, CA - 2018.2.14. Guten Tag Oliver!Vielen Dank für Ihre netten und motivierenden Worte! Leute wie Sie ermutigen uns, mit unserem Projekt weiterzufahren. Es freut uns immer, wenn wir mithilfe unserer Webseite und jetzt seit einem Jahr auch mithilfe unserer Facebook-Seite Slovensko Porabje das slowenische Raabgebiet über die Grenzen hinaus bekannt machen können!Ja, wir können uns gerne einmal treffen und zusammen über die Geschichte, Kultur, Traditionen und das Alltagsleben der Slowenen in Ungarn diskutieren. Kontaktieren Sie uns doch per E-Mail: vendvidek@citromail.huWir wünschen Ihnen noch einen schönen Sonntag! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2018.2.11. Guten Tag Jóel und Tibor, Gratulation zu eurer tollen Webseite! Ich habe schon fast alle Texte gelesen und bin fasziniert von eurer großartigen Arbeit! Unglaublich, dass ihr das alles in eurer Freizeit auf die Beine gestellt habt. Ich interessiere mich sehr für Minderheiten und dank euch habe ich nun eine neue Volksgruppe entdeckt: die Slowenen in Ungarn. Ich danke euch im Namen aller anderen, die an der Geschichte von verschiedenen Ethnien interessiert sind! Es wäre schön, wenn wir uns einmal persönlich treffen könnten. Das wäre sicher ein interessantes Gespräch! Ich wünsche euch noch alles Gute und hoffentlich bis bald!Mit freundlichen Grüßen Oliver Lanz / Baden bei Wien - 2018.2.9. Dear friend Cvetka Draga prijateljica Cvetka Thank you very much for your guestbook entry and your compliments! People like you encourage us to continue our voluntary work! We have been running our website for almost 13 years now. As you write correctly, ethnic Slovenes who live abroad, especially the descendants of Slovenes who once emigrated from Porabje and Prekmurje, very often don't speak Slovenian anymore but only the language of their new homeland*. These people form the target group we would like to address with our website and that's the reason why our website is bilingual (English and German). Those who don't understand English and German and are interested in the Slovene Raba Region can consult the official websites of the Slovene institutions in Hungary which are in Slovenian and Hungarian. These institutions are paid for their work by the taxpayers. Interestingly enough, these institutions have been aware of our voluntary work since 2005 but never supported us, let alone officially thanked us for what we do the promote the Slovene Raba Region internationally; the very region they are paid for to represent... Since March 2017, we also have a Facebook account (Slovensko Porabje), on which we share photos we took both in Porabje and abroad and where we also discuss various topics with our mostly ethnic Slovene friends. Since we also have many FB friends living in Austria, Italy, North and South America, etc. we publish our posts always in at least 6 languages, whereas we write our replies mostly in Slovenian. We are probably the only Slovenes living in Porabje who consistently write their posts always in Slovenian too and definitely the ones who reach most ethnic Slovenes with their online contributions (we have about 2300 FB friends, about 70 percent living in Slovenia). We run our FB page in our spare time and without any support as well. Thanks to our website and our FB page, a lot of people learnt that there is an ethnic Slovene population also in Hungary and not only in Italy and Austria. In addition, many descendants of Porabje Slovenes became aware of the fact that their ancestors were not ethnic Hungarians but ethnic Slovenes and that their mother tongue was Prekmurje-Slovenian. We were the first ones who had a functioning website informing on the tradition, culture and history of the Slovenes in Hungary. We were also the first ones who took pictures of the old tombstones in the Slovenes villages in Porabje. In this way, the descendants around the world are able to see where their ancestors are buried and from which village they originate. Thanks to our website, some of the descendants decided to visit the region from where their ancestors came from. We also started writing articles in English and German to show what's happening in Porabje (festive days, anniversaries, etc.). But sadly we had to stop writing our reports, because nobody supported us and we needed our time to work and to earn a living. Zeliva Vam lep veèer in upava da bova kmalu slišala od Vas! Lepepozdrave! Vaša prijatelja Tibor in Joël * Also in Porabje. the ethnic Slovenes speak the language of their homeland Hungary. In the families you do not hear Slovenian anymore but only Hungarian. In Porabje, you learn Slovenian at school (there are two bilingual schools), however the language is not used in everyday life, except by the people working for the various Slovene institutions in Hungary on special occasions. As a consequence, you never hear a single word of Slovenian in Porabje. What you could hear sometimes is prekmuršèina (Prekmurjan), however, only when you speak to elderly people. Children and young people speak only Hungarian and are eager to learn German and English because they need these languages in professional life at home (Hungarian) or abroad (English and German). Sadly, Slovenian is no priority, mainly for two reasons: First, because they often don't consider/feel themselves Slovene but Hungarian (identity) and thus don't feel motivated to learn Slovenian and secondly, because Slovenia sadly doesn't offer them the job/career opportunities they find in Hungary, Austria, Germany, etc. We predict that in some years time, prekmuršèina will be extinct and thus the only traces of the Slovenian language will no longer exist in Porabje. From 2001 till 2011 40% Hungarian citizens less defined themselves as Slovenian (around 4800 in 2001 and only 2820 in 2011). We learn Slovenian autodidactically now and can write texts in Slovenian pretty well already. However, speaking it is still too difficult for us since we lack practice in everyday life. Unfortunately, there is not even a public transport connection between the Slovene Raba Region and Slovenia, which would help us gain more practical experience in Slovenian. www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2018.1.15. Draga Tibor & Joël najprej moram povedat , da je tale stran zelo zanimiva in moram priznati , da prav zaradi te mavrice razliènih jezikov ... I will write in English, because I know that both of you, understand more, and also, to make more people understand what I write ... I am also a Slovenian woman, I speak English and German I'm not looking for my roots,but I like your work and read it and read it with interest and I do not mind personally, that this site is not in Slovene (as written by 'Lucija' ... Why should she be in Slovenian ???? People who went back years ago as they say with belly for bread they were from different places, not only from Porabje, also Prekmurje and from many other landscapes, they went everywhere in the world, now their descendants speak the language of the province where they are and live and of course not everyone was lucky to meet and learn their mother tongue, which is perfectly understandable ... and therefore all praise to you, because you guys, you made it to many of the descendants of these emigrants to find, or to meet their ancestors ... beautiful gesture and continue this voluntary but wonderful work ... Thank you ... your friend Cvetka Cvetka - 2018.1.6. Guten Tag Herr Pichler! Vielen Dank für Ihr Kompliment betreffend unserer Webseite. Kommentare wie Ihres motivieren uns, unsere Projekte auch in Zukunft weiterzuführen. Wir wünschen Ihnen einen schönen Abend! Freundliche Grüsse www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2017.12.18. Guten Abend die Herren! Ich bin auf Ihre Seite gestossen, weil ich mich für ethnische Minderheiten in der EU interessiere. Ich habe nicht gewusst, dass es auch in Ungarn die Volksgruppe der Slowenen gibt... Dank Ihnen konnte ich nun diese Wissenslücke füllen. Besten Dank! Mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Bregenz, Österreich! Ihr M. Pichler M. Pichler - 2017.12.12. Dear John, thank you very much for writing in our guestbook! Windish is actually Prekmurian/Porabian. It is a kind of Slovenian dialect/language. Windish is an expression coming from the German word Wend/Windisch meaning strangers. In the past, Germans called Slavic people living near the German-speaking area Windish/Wendish. These were Slovenes in the Southeastern region (Windisch/Vend) and the Sorbs in the Northeastern region (Wenden) of the German-speaking area. In Bethlehem, PA (USA) there live a lot of descendants of Slovenes from Hungary (Porabje) and from Slovenia (Prekmurje). They still call themselves Windish. Where does your grandfather come from? Tibor is a Horvath too. If you have some further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind regards! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2017.11.1. My grandfather was Horvath. Today, I found a cousin from the Horvath side who told me my grandfather was more Windish. My cousin also said he believes my father spoke Windish. An hour ago, I never heard of Windish. Now I want to learn. John Grabner - 2017.11.1. Hvala Jelena! Mnogi ljudi su nauèili samo preko našeg sajta da postoji isto u Maðarskoj slovenaèka manjina. Srdaèan pozdrav! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2017.8.13. Vielen Dank Hildegard und Manfred! Grüsse nach Bayern! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2017.8.13. Dear Ann, thank you very much for your compliment! We are very happy that we were able to help you with our website! Szakonyfalu (in Slovenian: Sakalovci) and Alsószölnök (in Slovenian: Dolnji Senik) are nice villages! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2017.8.13. Hi guys! You did a great job! My granddad was born in Szakonifalu my grandmon in Alsosolnok (spelling?). Owing to your website I learned a lot about their birthplaces. Thanx again! Ann Sukitch, Bethlehem, PA - 2017.8.12. Wir gratulieren euch beiden zu eurer wunderbaren Homepage!!! Sie ist einfach genial und man lernt sehr viel! Vielen Dank für eure wertvolle Arbeit! Hildegard und Manfred aus Bayern - 2017.8.3. Веома ми се свиђа веб страница! Свиђају ми се и лиепе слике и информације које сте дали о словеначкој регији у Мађарској. Ви обојица направите сјајан посао за очување словеначке културне традиције и историје у Мађарској. Као што су и други писали у вашој књизи гостију, такође нисам знао да у Мађарској постоје и етнички Словенци. Опет, обоје направите драгоцени и сјајан посао! Јелена из Јагодине - 2017.8.1. Wunderschöne Webseite! Weiter so ihr Lieben! Lara aus Rosenheim - 2017.7.30. Lieber Anton, vielen Dank für die netten Worte und für die guten Wünche! Einige Besucher unserer Webseite wussten auch nicht, dass es auch in Ungarn eine slowenische Voksgruppe gibt. Auch wir wünschen alles Gute! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2017.7.26. Lieber Tibor, lieber Joël, ich habe eure Webseite über die Slowenen in Ungarn mit viel Freude gelesen. Eine wunderbare Seite mit vielen Informationen. Ich wusste nicht, dass es auch in Ungarn eine slowenische Minderheit gibt. Dank eurer wertvollen Arbeit konnte ich meinen Horizont erweitern. Ich wünsche euch beiden weiterhin viel Erfolg und alles Gute! Anton aus Dornbirn - 2017.7.21. Dear Mrs McGurk! Thank you very much for writing in our guestbook. We will write you an email soon. Greeting from the Slovene Raba Region in Hungary! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2017.5.24. Looking for relatives or info for the Stajar or Zavecz family who lived in Apatistvanfalva and Ketvolgy. My mom left in 1956 to Canada and I am now in USA. mcgurkm@hotmail.com Angela Szebel McGurk - 2017.4.23. Dear Nancy! Thank you very much! Also we wish you Happy Easter! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2017.4.15. Dear Tibor and Joel I wish you a happy and peaceful Easter! Nancy from Chicago - 2017.4.13. Ni za kaj! Vesela naju, da sva lahko pomagla! Dobila sva Vašo e-pošto in sva jo posredovala. Lep pozdrav in vse najboljše! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2017.3.11. Thank you again. I'm sending you my email adress and I'll let you know about furhter development. Lep pozdrav tudi vsem vam. Sergeja Kozar - 2017.3.11. Dear Sergeja Kozar! Thank you very much for writing in our guestbook! Please send your email address to: vendvidek@citromail.hu and we will forward it to your relative in the USA. We already told Mrs Sukitch about your query and she is interested in getting in contact with you. Lep pozdrav! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2017.3.9. Thank you for a beautiful page..I was looking for my relatives in Pa - found Mr. Sukitch (Sukiè). As my family also originates from Prekmurje (Boreèa and Martinje) - can you please forward me his contact - if this is possible. Thanks once again, many regards from Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia. Sergeja Kozar - 2017.3.8. Zdrovo, many thanks for your assistance in helping me find my Slovenian relatives. My wife and I traveled to Markovci,Salovci this past fall. We spent a few days as guests of the family and learned a great deal about my heritage. This would not have been possible without your help. I need to ask a favor, do you know of a book that describes the migration of the Vendi/Veneti from the Etruscans through Slovenia? I know that one exists but can't find the reference. Hvala lepa, Peter Peter D. Korpics Jr. - 2017.2.27. Dear Stephanie! Thank you very much for writing in our guestbook and for contacting me!!! What a great surpirse!!! Yes we are cousins!!! My grandfather Horvat Jozef and your great-grandmother Donchatz Horvat Marija were siblings. I will write more by email. I am so happy you found us!! Thank you also for your compliments about our website about the Slovenes in Hungary!! Talk to you later :) Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2016.7.30. Dear Tibor-I am the great-grandaughter of Marie Horvat Donchatz (Doncsics) and assume we are cousins from what I have read here. This site has provided more information about our ancestory than anything I have found or learned from my father. Thank you! My father is Charles Stephen Donchatz, Jr., son of Charles Stephen Donchatz, Sr. who was a son of Marie and Frank of Anawalt, WV. Charlie married Violet Harless but they divorced sometime after WWII. So my sister Monica and I did not grow up knowing the Donchatz side of our family. Please feel free to contact me at Oberempt@musc.edu. I so very much appreciate your work on this! None of us knew of our Slovenian ethnicity, only the Hungarian nationality of our ancestors. Stephanie Donchatz (Doncsics) Oberempt - 2016.7.28. Dear Anna, thank you for writing in our guestbook. We suggest to contact St. John's Windish Evangelical Lutheran Church and St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church which are both located in Bethlehem, PA. If your ancestors emigrated from Prekmurje to Bethlehem, PA, they are surely registered in one of the church records. With kind regards, Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2016.3.28. My brother and I would like to travel to Bethlehem PA to research our Prekmurje ancestry. Would you know if there is a center there? Thank you Anna Kuhar - 2016.3.28. Dear Mike, thank you very much for your comment and the compliment concerning our website. Thank you also for your email. We have been running our website since 2005 and we continue updating it. Positive responses like yours encourage us to keep on doing our voluntary work. It's true that a lot of Slovenes (Windish) from Hungary (Porabje) and from Prekmurje (Slovenia) emigrated to Pittsburgh, PA. Pennsylvania is in general a state, where many Windish emigrated to (Bethlehem / Steelton). This had also to do with the steel companies there, which attracted a lot of workers. 100 years ago, nearly half of the inhabitants of the Windish villages in Hungary emigrated to the USA. We are happy that you love the pictures of the old tombstones on our website. The reason why we photographed them was to enable people from all over the world to do family research. What your question about on-site genealogical research is concerned, we will write you an email. With kind regads and greetings from Europe! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2016.2.28. Dear Tibor and Joel, I came across your website as I was doing research on my family “Szukics”, who come originally from Felsoszolnok and across the border in Martinje. Reading about Windish has brought to light what I knew of from my parents and grandparents in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where many from the village eventually settled at the turn of the 20th Century. There was a Windish Club where everyone congregated, although at the time in the 60’s and 70’s I was too young to care. What I would do for the opportunity to turn back the clock! I love your pictures from the cemetery in Felsoszolnok. When I was there 15 years ago, I realized how many family names I knew from the Windish club were the same I found in the cemetery. From Szukics to Kozar to Horvath and many others, it really was amazing how this little village supplied seemingly the entire neighborhood in Pittsburgh where I grew up! I also took pictures at cemetery in Martinje, which I think shared the same church in Felsoszolnok before WWI. I have been piecing together my family through various records I copied at the church, old family stories and photos and now whatever I can find online via Ancestry.com and other sources. Still, nothing gives the context the way your website does and I appreciate your efforts keeping the Vendivek story alive! I will keep looking for updates and more pictures! Keep up the great work. Warmest regards, Mike Sukitch Ps – I am planning to make another trip to Felsoszolnok soon. Are you aware of anyone who provides assistance in Genealogy research in the area that I could work with? Mike Sukitch - 2016.2.22. Geniale Webseite! Sehr schöne Fotos und Bilder zu dieser Gegend in Ungarn. Informationshaltige Texte. Möchte gern mal diese Gegend besuchen. Uwe aus Berlin - 2016.1.23. Dear Mr Bedi, We are happy we could help you and you liked our article! Tibor is pretty sure that you and Tibor are related. Some siblings and cousins of Tibor's great-grandfather József Bedi emigrated from Otkovci to the USA. Why don't you stay in contact by email: vendvidek@citromail.hu? We are looking forward to hearing from you! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2016.1.5. Dear Margaret, thank you very much for your New Year wishes! We also wish you and your family a happy 2016! Thank you also for your kind words concerning our website! This means really a lot to us! Yes indeed, you can be proud to be Windish, because the Windish are hard-working and industrious people who made a large contribution to the development of Bethlehem PA! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2016.1.5. Dear Tibor and Joel, Dear Tibor and Joel, Thank you so much for your hard work in putting together this wonderful website with all the research you've done on the Raba Region. I am so proud to be of Windish descent, especially after reading your reports and the comments from my fellow Windish people. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, peaceful New Year in 2016! Margaret Pinter McCarthy - 2015.12.24. Dear Tibor and Joel, thank you very much for your explanation! It was very helpful to me. I read your article about Otkovci-Balazsfalu and it was really interesting. In the article it is said that Tibor's great-grandfather was born in Balazsfalu and his name was Bedi too. Are we perhaps even related? F. Bedi - 2015.12.24. Dear Mr. Bedi, Thank you for your guestbook entry! You surely mean the Hungarian term Balázsfalu, later also called Újbalázsfalva. The Slovenian name of this place is Otkovci. About more than 50 years ago, the birthplace of your grandfather was incorporated into its neighbouring village Ápátistvánfalva (Slovenian: Števanovci) and thus disappeared as an official location. Maybe this is the reason why you did not find your grandfather's birthplace on a map. In 2008, we wrote an article about Újbalázsfalva. See our website under: Our Reports A proper place-name sign for the inhabitants of Újbalázsfalva/Otkovci. We hope we were able to help you! www.vendvidek.com Tibor & Joël - 2015.12.19. Dear Sirs, My grandfather was born and raised in Balasfal in Hungary and he was Windish. I have been searching for information on this place. However, I didn't find anything, not even on your great website. Does this location still exist today? Could you help me, please? Thank you in advance. Frank Bedi, USA - 2015.12.16. Very interesting site. Thanx for your work! Danuta from Warsaw, Poland - 2015.12.12. Lieber Tibor und Joël Eure Ausstellung und euer Vortrag über das slowenische Raabgebiet waren einfach toll und sehr lehrreich! Nochmals vielen Dank für euren Einsatz! Es grüssen euch Daniel und Manuela - 2015.9.30. Merci beaucoup pour la présentation instructive à notre école sur la minorité slovène en Hongrie! A bientôt! Sandrine Chappuis - 2015.8.14. Dear Mr Kuzmich, thank you very much for your guest book entry! Yes, we talk about the same ethnic group. In the past, the Hungarian Slovenes were often called „Vendek“ by Hungarians and „Windisch“ by German-speaking people. In the Slovenian dialect of he Hungarian Slovenes the terms „Vendek/Windisch“ do not exist. Non-Slovenes used to term the Slovenes living near Hungarian and German-speaking areas as Vendek and Windisch. At the time when a lot of Hungarian Slovenes emigrated to the USA (at the beginning of the 20th century), they brought this term to the USA as well and created an English way of spelling it: „Windish“. Only later, with the founding of Yugoslavia and even later with the founding of Slovenia, the Hungarian Slovenes started being referred to as Slovenes too, also by non-Slovenes. Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2015.7.20. Hi! My name is Steve Kuzmich Jr from Pennsylvania and I saw your website while doing some family research online. Great work! Congrats! I'm impressed! I knew that I had Slavic ancestors from Hungary and that they were called Windish. I have a question: How come the term Windish is commonly used over here in the U.S., whereas on your website you always write Slovene and not Windish? We speak about the same ethnic group, don't we? Thank you very much for your help! Your S. Kuzmich Jr S. Kuzmich - 2015.7.16. Hi! My name is Steve Kuzmich Jr from Pennsylvania and I saw your website while doing some family research online. Great work! Congrats! I'm impressed! I knew that I had Slavic ancestors from Hungary and that they were called Windish. I have a question: How come the term Windish is commonly used over here in the U.S., whereas on your website you always write Slovene and not Windish? We speak about the same ethnic group, don't we? Thank you very much for your help! Your S.Kuzmich Jr S. Kuzmich - 2015.7.16. Ciao Tibor e Joel, la mia cugina Monica dall'Argentina mi ha fatto notare alla vostra pagina web. Congratulazioni per questo lavoro prezioso. Vivo a Trieste e la mia nonna era anche slovena. Quando ero una bambina, parlava spesso sloveno con me, ma purtroppo ho dimenticato questa bella lingua. Sono molto contento che avete fatto la pagina web anche in inglese. Passerò la vostra pagina ai miei amici in Italia ed all'estero. La pagina si presenta molto informativa e strutturata. Lep pozdrav iz Trsta in vse najboljše! :) Raffaella - 2015.7.1. Hola! Me gusta mucho su página web y también la región europea que presentan, verdaderamente linda! Desgraciadamente no hablo muy bien inglés, quizá pueden crear también una versión española? Lo apreciaría mucho! Saludos desde Argentina! Mónica - 2015.7.1. Wir kommen aus Deutschland und sind momentan in Ostösterreich im Urlaub und haben dank Ihrer Webseite diese Region entdeckt. Wir haben nicht gewusst, dass das slowenische Raabgebiet in Ungarn so schön ist. Vielen Dank für Ihren Einsatz! Hildegard und Thorsten - 2015.6.25. Dear Mrs Voelk Thank you very much for your message! Porabšèina means Porabian language. The region where the ethnic Slovenes are living in Hungary is called Porabje (Raba region). Porabšèina (Porabian) is a Slovenian dialect. In Prekmurje (Eastern Slovenia) people speak Prekmurian (Prekmuršèina), which is more or less the same as Porabšèina (Porabian). Prekmuršèina and Porabšèina were also often referred to as Windish language. For example a lot of Prekmurian and Porabian Slovenes settled in Bethlehem, PA in the beginning of the 20th century. They still call themselves Windish. Before WWI, both Prekmurje and Porabje belonged to Hungary. Since WWI, the Slovenes of Porabje in Hungary have continued speaking their Slovenian dialect (Porabšèina) and not standard Slovenian (Slovenšèina). At school they had to learn Hungarian and not standard Slovenian. Only for about twenty years standard Slovenian has been taught at schools in Porabje. May we draw your attention to the following category on our website: Porabšèina lessons Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2015.5.6. I have received your email, and have glansen through your website. I will be corresponding when I have a chance to read through the entire website. Tell me, what language is Porabscina? Mary Lou Deyak Voelk - 2015.5.6. Dear Mr. Horvat and Mr. Gerber, You were correct, I wrote a letter in Slovenian and received a response via Facebook from someone in Markovci,Salvoci. This is the ancestral village of my ancestors. In fact, the person that responded is a historian with vast knowledge of the Vendi and has provided much more information than I ever knew. She is the neighbor of my second cousin and she showed her photos and documents that proved that we are indeed related. The historian is the niece of my second cousins' daughter-in-law!! This has been a very exhaustive (4 years) and exciting journey which had come to a dead end but with your help a chapter has closed and a new one has opened. We are now communicating via letters and Facebook and are lookingforward to meeting each other face-to-face, hopefully on the Summer of 2016. Hvala lepa Peter D. Korpics Jr. - 2015.4.26. Dear Wiliam, thank you for writing in our questbook and thank you too for your compliments about our website! Yes, the tombstone you saw on our website is the tombstone of your uncle Ferenc Zsampar in Rábatótfalu (Slovenska Ves). How I remember it your mother's maiden name was Pint and her father came from Apátistvánfalva (Števanovci). Yes, it would be great to meet. Perhaps this summer. Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2015.2.22. Dear Timor and Joel, Dear Timor and Joel, Hello Timor, I hope you can remember me. My Father was from Rabatotfalu and you visted my first cousin there Arpad Zsondy. I really enjoy your website. The picture of the cementary in Rabatotfalu showed my uncle Ferenc Zsampar who was killed in WW2. Wow! I am planning a trip with my wife this summer to Rabatotfalu to visit Arpad. Also I am still trying to trace my Mother's side. You told me her last name was Pintar. Maybe you remember. Thank you and Joel for what you do to continue the history of the Slovenes. Hope we can meet one day. William Sampar(Zsampar) William Sampar - 2015.2.18. Dear Mr Korpics, please contact us via our email address (see above) and then we can send you some addresses you can write to. Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2015.2.16. Dear Tibor and Joel, Thank you very much for the information that you provided thus far. I have attempted to use the bela strani or white pages to no avail. I have even employed a translation ap that I have and find it difficult to obtain any information. Perhaps it would simplify things if I had physical address to correspond to. When I was in Murska Sobota, I saw address and phone listings of the Marcovci,Salovci area with Korpic in it, I am only sorry that I didn't make a copy. Is there a way that I can obtain the information? I have a lot of work to do before my trip in 2016. Hvala lepa, Peter D. Korpics Jr. Peter D. Korpics Jr - 2015.2.15. Spoštovani gospod Korpics We recommend you to write to the parish of Dolenci (Cerkev svetoga Nikolaja in Dolenci). Perhaps the priest of that parish will look the names up in the church records. Or when you will be there in person you go direcly to the parish and ask if you can look them up yourself. Or you write to the municipality of Šalovci (info@salovci.si) and ask them if they have your grandparents' birth records at the registry office. However, to be able to make a research in their records, they will require your grandparents' dates of birth. The dates of birth are very important because Korpics is a very common name in that region. Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2015.2.6. Dober dan Mr. Horvat and Mr. Gerber, On my last post I said that she may have been a Svetecz. She was indeed a Korpics and married a Karoly Krosecz from Budinci.Her fathers name was Janos of this I am certain, mothers name is unknown. My Grandmother Mary had a sister Theresa, abrother Peter and possibly Ishtvan. Is there a way that I can access the birth/baptism/marriage and death records of the Santa Maria church in Markovci,parish of Dolenci? Thank you for all of your help. Hvala lepa. Peter D. Korpics Jr - 2015.2.6. There are some Korpiè and Svetec families in Markovci. Through the white pages of Slovenia www.itis.si (click on bele strani) you can find out their details and you can contact them and ask them if they're related to Marija Svetec and Janos Korpiè who went to the USA around 1912. Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2015.2.5. Grandmother may have been a Svetecz although I can't be certain. Grandfathers name was Janos.Ibelieve that they were all from Markovci according to my records. Thank you very much. Hvala lepa Peter D. Korpics Jr - 2015.2.5. Dear Mr Korpics, is the maiden name of your Grandmother Mary also Korpics? In order to be able to find relatives on your grandmother's side in Markovci you need actually her maiden name. Is your grandfather Korpics also from Markovci? Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2015.2.3. My Grandmother Mary . Mariska, or Mari, emigrated to the United States in 1912. Probably attended the Santa Maria Church in Markovci, Parish of Dolenci other relatives are Karoly Krosecz from Budinci, emigrtated to the U>S> in 1913 Peter D. Korpics Jr - 2015.2.2. Dear Mr Korpics, thank you for writing in our guestbook. There are some Korpics' in Markovci, Budinci and in Šalovci. You write your name in the Hungarian spelling (Korpics). The Slovenian spelling is Korpiè. We assume that your ancestors immigrated to the USA at the time when Markovci, Budinci and Šalovci still belonged to Hungary. Do you know the names of your Korpics ancestors who immigrated to the USA? When you know their names, you can search more easily. Kind regards! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2015.1.27. My ancestors are from Markovci and Budinci, Salvoci Vas Megye near Murska Sabota. I am attempting to contact anyone from the Korpics in this area for a future visit in 2016. I was there in 2014 and couldn't locate n anyone during my short visit. inci Peter D. Korpics Jr. - 2015.1.19. My grandparents Anne and Steve Baysik were born in Hungary and came to NYC around 1905. I guess they came from Felosonok (spell check). I remember they spoke a Slavic language. I always thought it was Slovak. But now thanks to your great website I learned that they spoke Slovenian. Thank you very much for your help! Kate Di Donato - 2014.12.18. Ich bin mütterlicherseits Slowene und interessiere mich sehr für die slowenische Geschichte und Kultur. Ihre Seite ist der Hammer!!! :) Jochen aus Bayern - 2014.12.13. I like your website very much, especially the reports and the pictures. This region looks really nice. Thank you for your hard work! Nick - 2014.10.20. Dear Mrs Lakics Soto, thank you very much for your message and for the compliment about our website! You write that you come originally from Rönök. This was a German-speaking village before WWII. Rönök was also called Radling. Alsószölnök is a mixed village consisting of ethnic Slovenes and ethnic Austrians (German-speaking people). The German name of that village is Unterzemming, in Slovenian Dolnji Senik. We see that you have also German names in your family. Were your ancestors also from the ethnic German-speaking population in Hungary or are you ethnic Slovene? This three-border region in Hungary was one region before WWI and belonged to the Kingdom of Hungary, as well as Murska Sobota (Muraszombat). Kind regards, Tibor & Joël / www.vendvidek.com - 2014.8.26. I lived in Ronok as a child. We escaped during the war. I just came back from visiting Austria & Hungary. My Grandfather Jozsef Csuk lived in Alsoszolnok. My Great Grandfather Matyas Csuk lived in Muraszombat. The other names I am researching are Toth, Dornfeld, Mesits, Cservendi, Preininger, Lakics, and Voros. These are some of the names in my father's and mother's family. Thank you for creating this site. I enjoyed the pictures, stories, and comments. Rose Rose Lakics Soto - 2014.8.26. Dober dan, Josef! Hvala na poruci! We sent you a link with the Hungarian names of the Prekmurjan villages to your email address. Lep Pozdrav! Tibor & Joël / www.vendvidek.com - 2014.8.26. dober dan, Tibor and Joel - Has been awhile since last contact. Am spending nine days in Prekmurje (Otovci)from Sept. 12 - 21, 2014. Still think my paternal grandmother (nee Filip)might have been part Magyar? Discovered firts cousin to my late father in 2013. Karl Laposcha lives in Neuhaus am Klausenbach and speaks no Slovenian! Truly a fascinating area of the three cultures. Did you have older Hungarian names for Prekmurje villages, pre-1919? Thought you did? Drop me aline wheen you can. Hvala! Josef M. Laposa, Indianapolis IN USA - 2014.8.26. The place of birth of your grandmother must be Križevci. This is a Lutheran village. Tibor & Joël / www.vendvidek.com - 2014.8.21. I did contact the church in Bethlehem and that is the best spellings they could give to sme. So if you can guess different spellings that might help. THANK You Richard Leposa - 2014.8.21. Dear Mr Leposa, you write that your grandmother was Lutheran. We assume that when she immigrated to the USA, she was a member of the Windish Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, PA. This church still exists and they have also an archive. Maybe they can help you there. Perhaps they know the correct place of birth of your grandmother. Tibor & Joël / www.vendvidek.com - 2014.8.20. Because I cannot speck Windish or Slovinian this is my best spelling od my grandmothers maiden name from her baptisim paper. Ylus Farkas^ i another part of the name Kata roj. Knaryec another part of the baptisim rev. poseshiik. yes she was Lutheran. IHOPE THIS HELPS YOU AND ME. Thank you. Richard Leposa - 2014.8.20. Dear Mr Leposa, thank you for your message. Did you mean the village Križevci in Prekmurje in Slovenia? And what was your grandmother's maiden name and was she Lutheran? Tibor & Joël / www.vendvidek.com - 2014.8.19. I would like to hear about my grandmothers place of birth. The village might be spelled KONCHEVSI, the church name might be spelled Krichevsi In English please. THANK YOU She was born in 1889 somewhere near the Mura river Richard Leposa. - 2014.8.19. I would like to hear about my grandmothers place of birth. The village might be spelled KONCHEVSI, the church name might be spelled Krichevsi In English please. THANK YOU Richard Leposa. - 2014.8.19. Eine sehr schöne und informative Seite. Vielen Dank! H. Moser - 2014.7.17. Sehr geehrter Herr Horvath, sie haben einen Artikel über die Schnapsproduktion des Zoltan Horvath und der Gebrüder Bedi in Stevanovci/Slowenien geschrien. Ich möchte eine Flasche Schnaps dort kaufen und bräuchte die Adresse oder Telefonnummer von ihnen. Vielleicht können sie mir weiterhelfen. ich wäre ihnen dankbar dafür mfG Bernd Gutöhrlein Gutöhrlein - 2014.6.9. Dear Margaret, thank you very much for your precious information and for sharing it with us! Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2014.3.25. On March 19, which is the namesake feast day of St. Joseph, the Windish Catholic Church, St. Joseph's, held a mass in celebration of the 100th year of the founding of the church. The cornerstone was laid in 1914. Although the parish has recently closed, the church was reopened for this celebration. Our Lady of Pompeii Parish, the Italian church, St. John Capistrano Parish, the Hungarian church, St. Stanislaus Parish, the Polish church, Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish, the Slovak church, along with St. Joseph's Church merged into one church, the Incarnation of Our Lord Parish at the former Saints Cyril and Methodius building. I know that the Windish (Slovenian) people of St. Joseph's Parish are still fighting the closure of the church. They are waiting the results of a petition to keep it haopen that is now in the Vatican. I haven't heard anything lately about the petition. Margaret Pinter McCarthy - 2014.3.25. Sehr geehrter Herr Dr. Bahr Es freut uns, dass Sie Gefallen an unserer Internetseite finden! Wie Sie unserer Seite entnehmen können, leben gemäss der Volkszählung aus dem Jahr 2011 knapp 3'000 Slowenen im Raabgebiet. Wenn Sie detailliertere Angaben zur Entwicklung der Bevölkerungsstruktur im Raabgebiet haben möchten, bitten wir Sie, sich direkt an die entsprechenden Organisationen in Ungarn zu wenden, welche offiziell für die in Ungarn lebende slowenische Minorität zuständig sind. Wir betreiben unsere Webseite unentgeltlich und aus persönlichem Interesse heraus (und nicht beruflich wie die offiziellen Stellen) und haben dabei die Intention, unseren Teil dazu beizutragen, dass die in Ungarn lebenden Slowenen nicht in Vergessenheit geraten. Aus diesem Grund informieren wir die Besucher unserer Webseite primär über die Kultur und Geschichte der Raabgebiet-Slowenen, damit sie sich ein Bild vom damaligen und heutigen Leben im Raabgebiet machen können. Was detailliertere statistische Angaben wie Zensusdatenbetrifft, verweisen wir Sie, wie gesagt, gerne an die dafür zuständigen offiziellen Organisationen (Slow. Selbstverwaltung) in Ungarn. Auch wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute und danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis. T. Horváth, M.Sc. & J. Gerber, M.A., www.vendvidek.com - 2014.2.2. Bisher habe ich nur von Ungarn in Slowenien gehört, dank Ihrer Webseite erfahre ich jetzt auch etwas über Slowenen in Ungarn. Nützlich wäre noch eine Basisinformation, vor allem eine historische und aktuelle Statistik. Alles Gute! Dr. Wolfgang Bahr aus Wien - 2014.2.1. Kompliment! Sehr schöne Seite, gefällt mir sehr! Klaus aus Kärnten - 2014.1.3. Welcome to 2014!! Happy New Year to all!! mpm and jbm - 2013.12.28. Keep up the good work, Tibor and Joel. It is much appreciated! I would like to take this opportunity to wish you both and also your website visitors a very Happy Holiday Season this year of 2013. May 2014 bring you good health, good fortune and much happiness! Margaret Pinter McCarthy - 2013.12.21. Hello Mr Horvath / Mr Gerber, I'm writing a paper about ethnic minorities in Europe and came across your website. I find your information very helpful and would like to thank you for your work! Greetings, Paul Paul - 2013.12.15. This is one awesome article.Really thank you! Really Great. watch this pls - 2013.11.17. wow, awesome article post.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on... smashing top seo - 2013.10.30. This is very nice website,thank you very much!!!Greetings from Ohrid-Macedonia. Ljupco Bogdanovski - 2013.8.8. Thank you, Tibor and Joel, for all the time, effort, travel and research you have put into this website. Your dedication to preserving the customs, traditions, and history of the Slovenes in the Raba Region of Hungary is much appreciated! (I take great pride in the fact that my grandparents were born here.) Margaret Pinter McCarthy, Bethlehem, PA, USA. 3 August 2013 Margaret Pinter McCarthy - 2013.8.4. Great website! I did not know that there is a Slovene population in Hungary. Thank you very much! Dimitrios Manolis Dimitrios Manolis from Thessaloniki - 2013.8.1. Tolle Seite! Gratulation! Meine Vorfahren stammen aus dieser Region und ich wollte schon lange einmal etwas über deren Geschichte erfahren. Eure Informationen sind sehr wertvoll. Ich möchte mich dafür bedanken. B. Hodatsch - 2013.7.28. Fantastic blog! Do you have any tips for aspiring writers? I'm planning to start my own site soon but I'm a little lost on everything. Would you advise starting with a free platform like Wordpress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I'm completely confused .. Any tips? Thanks a lot! Anonymous - 2013.7.5. Dear Stephen Kutos! Sorry that we write to you so late. The family name Kutos you find particularly in the Prekmurian region of Slovenia, what was Yugoslavia before 1991. You write that your parents married in the Saint John's Windish Lutheran Chruch. From the Prekmurian region of Slovenia a lot of Lutherans emigrated to Bethlehem PA. The husband of my aunt is a Gmeindl, what is actually a family name from Austria. Perhaps you can find out the name of the village your grandparents came from. Unfortunately we do not know what Menjagavilla means. Tibor & Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2013.1.9. Tibor and Joel, Greetings. My father's family all lived in Bethlehem, PA. with the family name, Kutos. My mother and father were married in Saint John's Windish Evangelical Lutheran Church. Is Kutos a common Slovene name? Any last names I see in the guest book seem unrelated linguistically from this name. I know my father's family considered themselves Windish and lived in a Windish neighborhood. I believe that they were somehow related to the village of (not sure of spelling) Menjagavilla. I know my grandmother was Hungarian maiden name Gemeindel and my grandfather was a self described Yugoslavian. Stephen Kutos - 2012.11.25. Excellent site. It was pleasant to me., alXRwEOdum - 2012.9.13. Excellent site. It was pleasant to me., alXRwEOdum - 2012.9.13. Hi Tibor and Joel, Just sitting here in beautiful San Marcos Thinking about our trip with you all. Tibor would like to ask you to help me learn more about one of my ancestors, Wernet Studer from Bern. Is this something you might do? If so I will send you more information. Please use my email, bbrown@metricsystems.com. Thanks, Bill Brown Bill and Jeanne Brown - 2012.8.29. I am doing genealogy on Josef Ropos- possibly from this region. Any ideas how to find more information? Kate kropos@rap.midco.net Kate Baumiller - 2012.8.16. I love this website especially the pictures of Alsoszolnok where my grandparents came from. Thanks for your hard work. Nancy Kern Sweeten - 2011.11.30. Thank you for this website and the information you have provided about this region. My parents left Szakonyfalu in 1956 around the time of the Revolution. I still have relatives living in that town also. Many villagers from this town now live in the Chicago area. Julie Amundsen (szukichs)(csuk) - 2011.7.30. I Love this site,My family imigrated to Bethlehem,Pa.All I know is they were windish, hoping I can find more info.to tell my children. Gloria{Blatnik}Russell - 2011.7.7. My wife and I have visited Felsoszolnok twice. One of her grandparents is from there; the other was from across the Slovenian boarder in the next village. I'm trying to find someone who can help me with some information on the area. Can you help? Thanks you, Dermot McNulty dermotmcnulty@verizon.net Dermot McNulty - 2011.6.25. The Grebenars of Felsoszolnok were a large family around the 1900's. My grandfather had about 10 brothers and sisters so I suspect most of us with the grebenar names are related. The cemetery in Felsoszolnok has many grebenars and many graves with photos--some of the photos look like our family members. Unfortunately the language is spoken less and less on the Hungarian side of the borders. Hvala lepo es koszonjuk. frank graebner (one time grebenar) - 2011.5.23. Hello! bbkdgek interesting bbkdgek site! oiweyppi - 2011.5.8. What hapen with webcam on Kugla?? is not ther enymore Steve Z. - 2011.4.23. AS AMERICAN SLOVENIANS WE ARE BROTHERS AND JUST MIGHT HAVE THINGS TO SHARE .I TO AM A WRITER OF SORTS, PERHAPS YOU JUST MAY ENJOY MY STORY, IF SO I'M AT BEAGLERUNBOB @AOL .COM LET ME KNOW WILL BE GLAD TO SHAR WITH A BROTHER. ROBERT J. ROGAN - 2011.3.8. Very nice post, good luck! ;-) canadian drugs online - 2011.2.17. Hi Tibor...how are you? We don't talk for while, please send me news on my email...I had a problem on my pc and lost many emails, yours included...incredible work you and Joel are doing here...congratulations....Marcia Marcia Majczan - 2011.1.23. Dear Eleanor Zelezen, Thank you for your question! In Porabšèina, which is the Slovene dialect spoken in the Raba-Region in Hungary (what in the USA people commonly call Windish) the name Frank is spelled Francek, with the stress on the first syllable. Tibor & Joel www.vendvidek.com - 2010.11.29. How do you spell FRANK in Windish? Eleanor Zelezen - 2010.11.29. jelenkezen kérem,stefan majczan,és teréz bajzek vagy rokonai szokonyfalun.marian majczan keresi csalágyát.segitségemel,kérem ha valaki tud roluk irjon a gulyasnelengyelszilvia@gmail.com imail cimre gulyásné lengyel szilvia - 2010.10.19. I have visited your web site a number of times and I am pleased to see the growth that you have had. Those of us who have parents that have come to the United States from the region and worked hard to bring their childen up to fit in with the American Way's have not shared all they could have about the Culture they left behind. Thank you very much for all you are doing to help fill this need. Al Siftar in Cold Minnesota Alfred Paul Siftar - 2010.10.3. Ej Tibor & Joel - My cousin, Mitzi Delap, visited ancestral village of Sotina, Thursday July 15. Her mother, marija and my father, Jozef, were siblings there in 1920s and 1930s. Very emotional and memorable experience for Mitzi. Hope to see her photos soon (though house 77 is not otiginal Laposa family home. Old stone was better than current brick). Hvala lepa! Na zdravje za tebi! Josef Laposa - Indianapolis USA - 2010.7.18. A very nice website. It is very informative. I have ancestors whoh were from the Raba Sankt Martin area in the Velike (Welten) village. Paul Zotter - 2010.4.27. Dear Chris Jarett! Thank you for writing in our guestbook! Concerning Windish and Slovene: The so called Windish people are also Slovenes. The expression Windish was given by German speaking people for Slavic people living in the south-east region of the German-Speaking area. The Windish people never called themself Windish in their Slovene language, they called themself always Slovence=Slovene. With other words: Those Slovenes who live outside of Slovenia, former- Yugoslavia respectively, namely in southern Austria and south-west Hungary, were often called by Austrians and Hungarians Windish. About 100 years ago when a lot of Hungarian-Slovenes and Prekmurje-Slovenes immigrated to the USA, they brought this expression Windish also to the USA. www.vendvidek.com Tibor and Joël - 2010.2.17. I am an American who has been living in Germany for some time. My mother's family came from Murska-Sobota and probably Precmuria. The Windish idea is a confusion which took place during the great immigrations and the founding of the Yugoslavian State as far as I know. Wher is the difference then between Windish and Slovene. Anyway, just for your info - my brother is the jazz pianist Keith Jarrett (I too am a musician) and he is half Slovene.We were born in Allentown - our relatives were steel workers. Chris Jarrett - 2010.2.3. I am an American who has been living in Germany for some time. My mother's family came from Murska-Sobota and probably Precmuria. The Windish idea is a confusion which took place during the great immigrations and the founding of the Yugoslavian State as far as I know. Wher is the difference then between Windish and Slovene. Anyway, just for your info - my brother is the jazz pianist Keith Jarrett (I too am a musician) and he is half Slovene.We were born in Allentown - our relatives were steel workers. Chris Jarrett - 2010.2.3. Ej Tibor! Have not written you in awhile. Will celebrate Slovenian National Day on June 20 with members of Indianapolis-Piran Sister City Committee. Hope to visit Bethlehem, Pennsylvania someday and have real gibanica. From Primorska to Prekmurje, Zivela! Josef M. Laposa - 2009.6.4. stumbled upon this contact & my husband is researching Bajzek & Grebenar relatives from Felsoszolnok, Hungary. How do I get to your homepage? Please reply to emailmaniac@netscape.net THIV marguerite dengler - 2009.3.15. I just discovered this website! Awesome! I had no idea this region had a name -- Vendvidek. My ancestors came from Eckersdorf according to Ellis Island records and I recently figured out this is the other name of Szakonyfalu. Thanks for the pictures of Szakonyfalu. Now I can see where my Düh family came from. I see from the website that the church in Szakonyfalu was built in 1922. Does anybody know what church people from Szakonyfalu would have attended prior to 1922? (My family emigrated in 1906 and 1913.) Shoot me an email if you can give me any advice. My email is dixonater@aol.com Thanks, Ron Dixon - 2009.2.8. Glad to find your nice web site with the photos. My grandparents were all Slovenes born in the Raba Region, calling themselves Windish. My paternal grandparents came from Rabatotfalu, emigrating to Bethlehem in the United States, and I recognized some of the last names on the tombstone photos. My maternal grandmother came from Ketvolgy. Charles Schamenek - 2009.2.2. hi m18eq6iivliakqgf good luck tUHKkrSiMu - 2009.1.10. Hello everybody! I'm in high school and I'm doing research for a family history project. I just found out that my great grandmother was a Donchez (I think original spelled Doncsecz) who lived in Bethlehem, PA. Her father was a violin maker in Bethlehem named Anthony Donchez (or it could have been Lewis?) and they were of Hungarian/ Slovenian descent. That's all I know, and I would be very interested to know if anyone has anymore information! thanks, Sarah Sarah - 2008.12.14. Najprej lep pozdrav ter èestitke za izredno zanimivo in bogato internet stran o slovenskem Porabju. Že veèkrat sem iskal kaj zanimivega o Porabju in moram napisat, da je to prva, kjer sem izvedel veliko novega. Tudi sam že nekaj èasa zbiram informacije in fotografije o kraju in naši dolini za pripravo podobne internetne predstavitve. Hvala za vaše delo, ideje in vam še naprej želim obilo zadovoljstva ob ustvarjanju vaše strani. Lep pozdrav iz Blagovice v Èrnem grabnu na Gorenjskem. Ilija (Blagovica - SLO) - 2008.8.27. Hello everyone - I am writing from Bethlehem, PA. I am starting research into finding my heritage on my mother's family. Her parents came over from the old country at the turn of the century. They were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pintarich and settled in Bethlehem, PA. I know that they were Austrian/Hungarian but also they spoke Windish. My mother could never tell us where the Windish people came from (as kids we thought Windland). But I also knew how many times the Austria/Hungarian empire and border switched over the centuries. Here in Bethlehem, we have the only Windish Church in America: ST. John's Windish Evangelical Lutheran Church. My mother and her family are all gone. I want to get information and learn the language and cooking, so I can honor all of my family by keeping the Windish heritage alive. Please, I am asking for any help I can get. I want to know my family and heritage! I will help in any way I can to keep it from fading away. E-mail me: sandymast@rcn.com I hope to hear from my family of Windocs! Sandy Mast - 2008.8.19. Further info to my email below: Grandfather born in 1885 in Markovich ... Family in Salovci ....Idena Again Thanks! Deb - 2008.8.8. I stumbled upon this site in a search for my grandads relatives in Slovenia near Dolenci. Josef Korpics ....and my grandmother was Yankovich from Dolenci. We visited in 1999 and have since lost contact. Am searching for a way to find them. Any help would be appreciated. Deb Edwards - 2008.8.8. my dad lajos hann came over to england from szokonyfalu in 1956 with his family if anyone knew him please write back thanks or email me at lucyhahn12@hotmail.com lucy hahn - 2008.8.1. my dad lajos hann came over to england from szokonyfalu in 1956 with his family if anyone knew him please write back thanks lucy hahn - 2008.8.1. my dad lajos hann came over to england from szokonyfalu in 1956 with his family if anyone knew him please write back thanks lucy hahn - 2008.8.1. Hello from the Chicagoland area in Illinois USA, My father and his family immigrated to the US and left his baby sister there to be raised by her Godmother. When Grandma was able to send for her, she was much older and did not want to leave. Her name is Agnes (Heinczl)maiden name, I don't remember what her married name is. She has a daughter and a son. Last I heard the daughter lived in Zagreb. My mothers family also immigrated to the US. Grandpa's name was Marko Vori (Vouri) and Grandma was Ana Krampac (Krampach). If anyone knows of people still living in that area of Slovenia I would love to know. There are also some Kovas and Horvath's related to us in some way. Thanks for the time. Sharon (Hainsel, Heinczl?) Gary - 2008.7.1. My e-mail is Lucas123768@yahoo.com Just looking for relatives..... Lazo Szukics Jr. - 2008.6.4. Thanks for such a great site. I would love to visit my fathers area sometime but I have nothing but a last name of Korpics. ThankYou Sharon Korpics Haines - 2008.5.14. Tibor So glad to learn you have contacted my husband's cousin Kathy DeMarie, Jimmy (my husband) can't wait to see your site and learn also of existing family, as he too knew very little of the family. The collage you did of the Horvath family is very well done, we have printed it to pass to the family. We will be sending you more information of the family thru your email and thanks for doing this very informative site. We will be checking back frequently. Toni Hewes - 2008.3.25. dear Tibor, I am mary owens donchatz daughter. I believe the both of you have contacted each other.what a wonderful site you have created. I now feel like I belong somewhere. It has been wonderful for all of us to meet you.I will e-mail you soon. lad1096@yahoo.com Lisa Dillon - 2008.2.23. Hvala za razumevanje in lep pozdrav tudi! Tibor in Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2008.2.19. V redu, kakor ¾elite. Lep pozdrav! LUCIJA - 2008.2.19. Dear Lucija! We did not say that it is not important to have information about the Slovene Raba Region in Slovenian. It is very important indeed. However, with our website we intend to reach those people who don't understand Slovenian, with or without Slovene ancestry. Furthermore, it is our intention to present and to preserve the Slovene Raba Region with its rich culture and tradition. You can find websites about the Slovene Raba Region in Slovenian already. There are people in Porabje and in Slovenia too, who are dealing with this topic in Slovenian. As a consequence, we are not the ones to contact. Thank you for your understanding. Tibor and Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2008.2.16. Well I can help you with translating the site into Slovenian! And for this I don't want money. I still disagree with you that it's not important to have this site in Slovenian language too. Konec koncev vam lahko jaz brezplaèno pomagam pri urejanju slovenskega teksta za tole spletno stran. Se paè ne strinjam z vami, da ni pomembno, da bi bila ta stran tudi v slovens¹èini. Tekste mi lahko po¹ljete na mail/ You can send texts to: lucija.horvat@demokracija.si LUCIJA - 2008.2.15. Dear Lucija! Of course it would be nice to have also a Slovenian version of this website. However, we work on this homepage independently because we are interested in this topic. We are not sponsored by any institution or organisation. As mentioned below, the audience we focus on are the descendants of the emigrated Porabje Slovenes. If anyone wants to get informed on the Porabje Region in Slovenian, they can search for information given by institutions or organisations which deal with topics about Porabje in Slovenian language. Tibor and Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2008.2.14. I understand, but what about Slovenes from Slovenia, who would like to read the site in their language? Well I speak and understand english and german, but I still would be glad to read the site in Slovenian. ©e vedno nisem zadovoljna z stranjo. To ni v redu, da stran ni tudi v sloven¹èni - saj zgleda kot, da bi govorila o eni izumrli ostalini. Je res,da je porabskih slovenscev vedno manj, ampak - èe je glavna informacija o njih v angl. ali nem¹èini - ja kak¹na podpora pa je to zanje? Eden moènih elementov nacionalne pripadnosti je tudi jezik. ©e vedno mislim, da bi lahko poiskali koga, ki bi vam stran prevedel v sloven¹èino. Saj porabski Slovenci niso zaimivi amo za tiste, ki imajo od tam prednike, ampak tudi za Slovence iz matiène Slovenije. Sicer pa gre tudi za princip! Èe se govori o Slovencih, naj se govori TUDI po slovensko. Sicer je pa stran dobra. Ampak, da ni tudi v sloven¹èini, je pa res skrajno moteèe. LUCIJA - 2008.2.14. Dear Lucija! Thank you for your message! The main reason why we have created this website is to inform the people living around the world whose ancestors derived from the Slovene Raba Region in Hungary. The majority of them often don't speak Slovenian anymore but are interested in learning more about the region from where their ancestors came from. Therefore, we have decided to offer them information in German and English. We make this website in our free time and so we are busy enough updating it in German and English continuously. Tibor and Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2008.2.13. Zakaj pa stran ni prevedena v SLOVEN©ÈINO, èe govori o porabskih SLOVENCIH???? Mislim HALO!! COULD YOU TRANSLATE THIS SITE ZO SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE????!! IT IS ABOUT SLOVENE RABA REGION!! LUCIJA - 2008.2.13. Dear Karin! Thank you for writing on our website! I assume that your grandfather came from Felsõszölnök, Szakonyfalu or perhaps from Alsószölnök. In these villages you can find a lot of Grebenar's. For more informations, please contact me on the above written email address. Thank you! Tibor www.vendvidek.com - 2008.1.31. I am 44 years old now and always have tried to find out where my name comes from. On your page I found the confirmation of what I have been told by my grandfather, that there is a village in Hungary, where the cementary is full of Grebenars. But I would like to know more details about my grandfather - as I suppose he or his father came from Hungary during the first worldwar or later. His name: Otto Josef Grebenar Grebenar Karin - 2008.1.31. Danke für die sehr schöne Webseite welche uns immer hilft die Zeit bis zum nächsten urlaub in Apatistvanfalva zu überbrücken. Wir fahren jedes Jahr in den Geburtsort des Vaters meiner Freundin und freuen uns dort mit allen Onkel, Tanten und Freunden eine schöne Zeit zu erleben. Köszönöm seben. Andreas Winkler+Nicole Kozma - 2008.1.25. Hello, I was born in Hungary and escaped from there in 1956, during the Revolution. Most of my family is from the Vendvidek, my mother was from Rabatotfalu, and my grandfather, Ferenc Grebenar was from Felsoszolnok. When my father was born the name was spelled Graebner, ergo the name Graebner now. If your name was Grebenar at one time you may have relatives in Felsoszolnok. The local cemetery, close to the Church is full of Grebenars. Many Grebenars changed their names from Grebenar in the 1930's to names which sounded more Hungarian, due to Govt. pressure at the time. There are many Grebenars in Murska Sobota, and in the villages between Felsoszolnok and Murksa Sobota in Slovenia. There is a road crossing there now which has been re-opened recently so it is possible to drive there from the Hungarian side of the border. Many Grebenars immigrated to the US in the late 1800's and early 1900's to the US. My grandfather Grebenar ended up in Cudahy (Milwaukee) in 1904 and my father was born thereand that is when his name was accidentally changed to Graebner. My grandparents and my father (who was US born) returned to Europe in 1921, first to Heiligenkreuz, now Austria (just across the border from Hungary by a few km.) and later to the Hungarian side of the new border which cut the region apart. The Versailles Treaty and Trianon was tragic for the region as an economic and socially cohesive region. The Russians occupied the Hungarian side on April 4, 1945 and did not really pull out. The communist era discouraged the speaking and use of Vendish (Vend) and now only about 5,000 people speak it as their mother tongue. Some of the villages are Alsoszolnok, Felsoszolnok, Rabatotfalu, Apatistvanfalva, Orfalu, and in Szentgotthard the regional center. I have been traveling the region in all 3 countries since 1973 and will be going back home in April. If you need any info, please, contact me. frank graebner (was grebenar) - 2008.1.13. Thank you very much Tibor and joel for creating this site.Iam a Anonymous - 2008.1.1. I will be sending you an email. I am a granddaughter of Ferenc Talaber and Rozalia Geycsek and great granddaughter of Balazs Talaber and Terez Zetek. Our great Grandfather owned a home in Orfalu and we believe we have family living in Apatistvanfalva (Zankocs) and in Csorotnek. My sister and I hope to make a trip there in the next 2 years. Our grandfather passed away in the US before any of us were born, but our Grandmother Rozalia (my name sake) was the most wonderful Grandmother in the world and we were so fortunate to have her in our lives. Rosalie Talaber Howell - 2007.12.13. My grandfather, Steve Baloi was from Raba. I am trying to find out exactly where . He was bor in 1892 and came to US through Canada. Can you help??? Fred Baloy - 2007.11.8. My grandmother is from Szakonyfalu, and I would like to visit her home country; I have relatives that are there that I would like to meet - with the family name of Somenek. Can you provide me with any guidance on where I would look to find out how to travel there? Thank you very much! My email is cerise28@charter.net Thank you! Cerise Semrinec - 2007.10.31. Cool guestbook, interesting information... Keep it UP. excellent site i really like your stuff. Unknown - 2007.9.24. Wonderful and informative web site.I used information from that site its great. Unknown - 2007.9.24. Hello! great idea of color of this siyte! Unknown - 2007.8.8. Hello Tibor and Joel, Thank you for your wonderful website. I had many questions about the Wendish people(Slovenes). My father Zsampar, Luis was born in Rabatotfalu but emigrated to USA, Cleveland,Ohio.(circa 1924). My Grandmother was a Domjan. I never met her but wish I had. There is/was an Aunt Etelka Zsampar who probably still lives in Rabatotfalu, but I am not sure. My Father spoke both Slovenian and Hungarian. There are three names I am familiar with: Zsampar, Domjan, and Pinter. I would like to correspond with anyone familiar with these family names. English or German is OK. Again thank you for your website and for answering some of my questions. Vielen Dank, William Sampar Grand Junction, Colorado wjsamp@gmail.com William Sampar - 2007.6.30. Hallo.. finde die seite sehr intresant und schön. und habe eine Persönliche frage Ich bin auf der suche nach einem Schmied in Ungarn. würde mich freuen wenn mir jemand einen Kontakt senden kann. danke schon mal im vorraus. die mail ist mit absicht mit leerzeichen geschrieben, um Spam zu vermeiden. :-) T y r c o n @ F r e e n e t .d e Dennis Röhr - 2007.2.27. Zanimiva stran... Sam sem prekmurec, gojim tudi dobre stike z porabskimi slovenci in mad¾ari...,so me v bli¾nji preteklosti zanimale korenine mojega naroda. V bistvu je zgodba zelo dolga in sega ¹e v èas, ko sem strastno prebiral indijsko/himalajsko literaturo; Vede, Ramayana... Ko sem iskal dol. mesta na samem zemljevidu, sem odkril nekaj nenavadnega; veliko staroindijskih sanskrt besed izpred 7000 let ali celo veè, je bilo zelo podobno zdaj¹nji sloven¹èini. Npr. beseda himalaja; oz. satemska oblika zima, ter kentumska hima... Ali pa kar podroèje Gorovath; dana¹nji tibet; torej beseda gora... Tudi besedo de¾ela; oz sanskrt; desh... nirvana; mir vani; mir zunaj(staro-venetska/vendska religija, èa¹èenje onostranstva, raja)... Tako sem odkril de¾elo Vindya Parvata; domnevna de¾ela v katero so se pred 4000-5000 let zatekli Vindi, oz. Hindi. V obmoèju Punjab, so se ustalili tudi arijci, ki so v bistvu govorili zelo podoben jezik kot vendi. Iz neznanih razlogov so takratna ljudstva zaèela prodirati proti zahodu(pred veè kot 3500 leti). Ustalila so se na obmoèjih dana¹njega baltika, norve¹ke, finske. Arijci so npr. naselili bretanijo ter severni del ¹vedske in norve¹ke in finske. Vendi, pa so se naseljevali na obmoèjih ob rekah v Franciji(veliko obmoèij je ¹e danes poimenovano po njih),©vici, Belorusiji, Èe¹ki, Slova¹ki, Avstriji, deloma tudi Nemèiji(Lu¾i¹ki Sorbi; ne zamenjuj z Srbi/Avari) , Istri, Beneèiji, Prekmurju, vse do balkanskega polotoka (tudi bosni; pred kratkim odkriti monumenti v Visokem in odkrita fonetièna pisava na kamnih prièa v zapis fonetico/deloma rune oz. gr¹ka pisava, ki se je razvila neposredno na tej.) Novej¹a genetièna raziskovanja po evropi, ka¾ejo na to, da imamo npr. Prekmurci, oz. vsi slovenci veliko skupnega z Norve¾i, tudi finci, Samo - 2007.2.14. Hello Herr Horváth and Herr Gerber, Thank you very much for making this web site. For so long I have seached for information on my Mother's roots. I was like a dream come true when we found your site. My mother Emma Grebenar is from Szakonyfalu and my father's Stephen Czvitkovicz birthplace is unknown. We believe it not far from Szakonyfalu. The Szakonyfalu tombstone page is wonderful. There are three names we are familiar with: Grebenar, Bajek (Felsõszölnök ). I would like to correspond with anyone who is familar with thes familay names and location. German or English is ok. My parent spoke Wendish. Is this a language still spoken? Again thank you both for taking the time and expense to give the world this website. Danke, Jeanne Grebenar Brown San Diego, California bbrown@metricsystems.com Jeanne Grebenar Brown - 2006.12.31. Nagyon örülünk, hogy felfedeztük ezt a honlapot, illetve a fiam fedezte fel. Elõször megtalálta Szlovéniában a rólunk elnevezett falut :-) azután kiderítette vend származásunkat, azóta keressük a vend-témájú információkat. Köszönettel Zslebics Gyula Zslebics Gyula - 2006.12.17. Pozdravljena! Z zanimanjem sem si ogledal vajino internetno predstavitev Porabja. Zelo pohvalno. Jaz sem sosed Porabja, saj stanujem v neposredni bli¾ini mejnega prehoda Martinje - Gornji Senik. Ko bosta kaj v bli¾ini, se oglasita na klepet. LP Sreèko kalamar@goricanka.si KALAMAR SREÈKO - 2006.12.6. I am from Alsoszolnok Hungary. I escaped in 1956. My mother's family is Slovene and my father's side is German. I still have family in Alsoszolnok. My wife and I spent several weeks this spring in my hometown. I have enjoyed this website very much. It brings back alot of old memories. I was 18 when I left, and my first time back home was in 1988. My recent trip was very different from the first one. No Iron Curtain. Thank you, John Kovacs John Kovacs - 2006.12.4. Cestitam Vam in hvala! Stefan Tomislav - 2006.11.13. Dear Mr Edward Szvétecz! Thank you for visiting our website! We are happy to see that you want to visit Rábatótfalu again after all these years. We are sure that you will enjoy your stay in Porabje. Since 1983, especially after the fall of the Iron Curtain, there have been a lot of positive changes in that region. With kind regards! Tibor Horváth and Joël Gerber www.vendvidek.com - 2006.9.10. Dear Mr Charles F. Szvetecz! Thank you for your interest in our website! My (Tibor) grandfather's sisters emigrated from Apátistvánfalva to the USA at around the same time your grandparents did. We will continue updating our website with historical and cultural reports about the Porabje region in Hungary. Best Wishes! Tibor Horváth and Joël Gerber www.vendvidek.com - 2006.9.10. Your web sight is very interesting to five siblings who are visiting the birth place of their parents, Rabatotfalu, next week 9/17/06. I was there with my wife in 1983 when the wall was still enforced. I look forward to seeing a much more open society. Thanks for all the information. Regards, Edward Szvetecz Ed Szvetecz - 2006.9.10. Hello. My father just sent the link to your website. I am excited to see it. My grandparents emigrated to the U.S. in 1912 and we know very little about the region of our heritage. I hope that you keep the site updated and add to it as I would be interested in checking it often. Thanks and Regards, Charley Charles F. Szvetecz - 2006.9.9. For all Slovenians interested in Slovenian History and Culture here is a site about the first Slovenian state of Carantania (Karantanija) and its unique investiture ceremony in which the authority to rule was transferred from the people to the ruling Duke. This early form of democracy was the basis for French political theorist Bodin's work titled, Les six livres de la Republique (1576) which was subsequently used by Thomas Jefferson in his famous Declaration of Independence. You can read this facsinating article here; http://www.thezaurus.com/sloveniana/dukesstone1.htm Franc Lampe - 2006.8.10. Thank you so very much Tibor and J. Gerber for keeping our History alive! I have learned more about our heritage from this web site in only a few minutes than I learned in my entire life of 40 years. I am also proud to use the history and photos of Apátistvánfalva to honor my father, Steve Horvath, who passed away this July 2, 2006. This means more to me than words can express. Thank you. Joseph Horvath, Marshall Virginia, USA - 2006.7.5. Zanimiva in informativna stran. Morda me bo ob mojih slu¾benih potovanjih v Budimpe¹to kdaj odneslo tudi v Porabje, ¹e posebej v narodni park Orseg. Èe se bo le dalo, bom s seboj peljal kolo, da bom tiste kraje spoznal pobli¾je. Toma¾ - 2006.7.4. Great information. Attempting to trace family tree back. I will find your site very useful. I live in Bethlehem, PA USA Chuck Doncsecz Sr - 2006.6.10. Hello from city of Indianapolis, state of Indiana - USA. Fascinating web site. Hvala lepa! My father was born in village of Sotina, Slovenia(near Kuzma.)At time of his birth in 1923, it was Kingdom of Serbs, Croats & Slovenes. My question: What was Magyar name for Sotina? Was it hegyszoras (sp)? I have great-uncle and great-aunt who immigrated to USA in 1913 and 1907 and they are listed on ship's manifest as Hungarian Magyar from Hegyszoras. If you could, please respond to mpiety1831@earthlink.net ? Thank you very much! Josef M. Laposa - 2006.5.24. Spostovani T.Horvath in J Gerber,castitan za prekrasen website.Zelo me zanima kako zivijo nasi Slovenci na Mazarkem Maja in junia z zeno bova obiskala Slovenijo in upava,da bova obiskala vase lepe slovenske vasi LEP POZDRAV Virgil Ferfolja (Sydney Australia) - 2006.4.18. Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass es eine slowenische Minderheit in Italien und Österreich gibt. Jedoch wissen bestimmt viele nicht, dass es auch eine slowenische Volksgruppe in Ungarn gibt. Ich selber wusste dies auch nicht. Ihre Webseite ist eine sehr gute Idee! Mario/St. Pölten - 2006.4.16. This is only a short message; I´ll write more about this website later, when I have read everything. For now I can say that I like this website, I think it says a lot about the Raba region, from many different point of views. Well done Tibor Horvath and J. Gerber, it is important to preserve traditions and spread knowledge about small regions and minorities. Ciao! Monica Monica Raffaele Addamo - 2006.4.7. Jas sum bila na va¹ata internet strana i mnogu mi se dopadna. Sve najdobro!!! Angela Stojanovski od Vranje - 2006.3.25. Cestitam, bila sam na Vasoj internet stranici i lepo je i interesantno uciti o drugim narodima i kulturama.Zelja mi je da vidim kako drugi narodi zive i da naucim nesto novo o njihovoj tradiciji i istoriji.Pre nego sto sam videla Vas sajt,nisam znala da u Madjarskoj zive isto sloveni. Srdacan pozdrav! Marija Jaksic,Novi Sad Marija Jaksic-Novi Sad-SCG - 2006.3.21. Minden elismerésem a honlap készítöjének! Boglárka - 2006.3.12. Vrlo informativni stran! ®ivila sam u Americi i uposnala sam mnogo Slovenci tamo. Simpatièni ljudi! Super, samo tako dalje sa web-stranama! Èestitke! Pozdrav iz Vara¾dina Natalija - 2006.3.7. Ihre Webseite gefällt mir sehr gut. Ich besuchte die Seite bereits vor einigen Monaten. Damals gab es noch viel weniger auf dieser Webseite zu sehen. Es freut mich zu sehen, dass immer wieder neue Hintergrundinformationen dazukommen. Ich hoffe, dass Sie dieses Projekt auf diese Weise fortführen. Dafür möchte ich mich bei Ihnen bedanken. Martin - 2006.3.6. Ich bin Liechtensteiner und habe vor ein paar Tagen Slowenien besucht. Mein Aufenthalt dort hat mein Interesse an Slowenien geweckt und ich habe damit begonnen, mich im Internet über diese Region zu informieren. Im Zuge meiner Nachforschungen habe ich auch Ihre Seite über das slowenische Raabgebiet entdeckt. Ich bin per Zufall auf Ihre Seite gestossen und war ob der Qualität und des Informationsgehalts beeindruckt! Mir war bisher nicht bewusst, dass es eine slowenische Minderheit in Ungarn gibt. Ich danke den Autoren dieser Seite für diesen wertvollen Nachhilfeunterricht. Ich bin mir sicher, dass diese Seite einen grossen Wissensbeitrag leisten kann. Ich wünsche Ihnen weiterhin viel Erfolg und ich werde mit Sicherheit auch in Zukunft mit viel Interesse Ihre Beiträge lesen. L.Buechel - 2006.2.21. Ahoj Joël Ahoj Tibor Eure seite gefällt mir sehr gut. Während dem lesen Eurer Internetseite habe ich richtig hunger bekommen. Diese Quarksuppe muss ich unbedingt einmal ausprobieren. Die Seite ist sehr informativ und auch sehr geeignet für Touristen, die gerne eine Reise untrnehmen wollen. Ich hätte niemals gedacht, dass die Ungaren einen solchen wunderschönenen Horizont haben. Es hat mich ein bisschen an meine Zeit in Afrika erinnnert. Ich wünsche Euch Toi-Toi-Toi für euer Projekt. Jetzt muss ich leider in die Küche meine Hunger ist zu stark geworden, durch die vielen leckeren Rezepte Schletti Melanie - 2006.2.19. Guten Tag Benjamin! Vielen Dank für Dein Kompliment bezüglich unserer Seite. Zu Deiner Bemerkung betreffend Deiner Schwierigkeiten das Slowenisch in Porabje zu verstehen: Da das Slowenische Raabgebiet lange Zeit durch den Eisernen Vorhang von der damaligen jugoslawischen Teilrepublik Slowenien abgetrennt war, konnte primär nur das Porabski (Slowenisch des Raabgebiets)tradiert werden. Die slowenische Schriftsprache, welche Du sehr wahrscheinlich gelernt hast, wurde in den damaligen Schulen nicht unterrichtet. Stattdessen lehrte man Ungarisch, zu Hause sprach man aber Porabski. Heutzutage wird jedoch die slowenische Schriftsprache unterrichtet. Tibor und Joël www.vendvidek.com - 2006.2.16. Ich habe slowenisch gelernt. Als ich jedoch 2003 mal im slowenisch sprechenden Teil Ungarns war, hatte ich so meine Schwierigkeiten das dortige Slowenisch zu verstehen. Dies hat mich ein wenig erstaunt. Übrigens finde ich Eure Seite sehr informativ! Benjamin aus Linz - 2006.2.14. Hi! I'm also interested in ethnic minorities and enjoy reading your texts and articles very much! The photos you took look great too! István - 2006.2.12. Ich habe gewusst, dass es auch in Ungarn Slowenen gibt, jedoch erst dank dieser Seite habe ich genauere Informationen über ihre Kultur und Geschichte erfahren können. Ich danke den Autoren vielmals für ihre wertvolle Arbeit! Stefan, Wien - 2006.2.12. Lieber Joel Lieber Tibor Habe mir ein paar Minuten Zeit genommen und bin auf Eurer Homepage herumgesurft. Der erste Eindruck ist sehr gut. Dies gilt sowohl für das äusserliche Erscheinungsbild als auch den Text mit den Bildern. Weniger Gefallen finde ich an den unterstrichenen Titeln. Aber das ist Geschmackssache. Also fahrt so weiter... Liebe Grüsse Gerber Hans Ulrich - 2006.2.8. Lucija! Hvala lepa za vpis! ¾al ne govorim dober slovenski jezik, razumem slovensko, pa pisiti je malo te¾ak. Sem Slovenec iz Porabje (¹tevanovci), pa nisem obiskal ¹ola v sloven¹èini. Zato ¹e nima slovenska verzija na na¹ stran. Pa v prihodnost nacrtujemo verzije v sloven¹èini. Pozdrav! Tibor - www.vendvidek.com - 2006.1.11. Pozdravljeni! Mena pa zanima, zakaj ne najdem verzije v sloven¹èini? Sem mogoèe spregledala? Stran je drugeèe zelo zanimiva. Lucija - 2006.1.11. Obiskal sem v oktobru lepo mesto Scentgotthsrd, ter vpra¹al po angle¹ko v lepi lièni mestni kavarni prijaznega natakarja Kje je prosim Mono¹ter?. Ni vedel!Sem Slovenec, zato mi je hudo, ko vidim, da tako gledajo tujci na na¹ narod. Vladislav - 2006.1.11. Obiskal sem v oktobru lepo mesto Scentgotthsrd, ter vpra¹al po angleko v lepi lièni mestni kavarni prijaznega natakarja Kje je prosim Mono¹ter. Ni vedel!Sem Slovenec, zato mi je hudo, ko vidim, da tako gledajo tujci na na¹ narod Vladislav - 2006.1.11. Lep pozdravèek iz Maribora. Zelo simpatièna stran. Zdaj bomo baje v Slo konèno zakljuèili avtocesto do meje z Mad¾arsko, tak, da bo mo¾no bolj¹e spoznavanje tudi v praksi. Lep pozdrav and keep the good work Uro¹ - 2006.1.10. I found your link on the Florida Slovenian page of the club Slovenska Palma. I enjoyed browsing your page and learned quite a lot about Porabje region Slovenians. My parents are Slovenians from Moravce (Gorenjska region) and my husband is from Smarje (Stajerska region). We are always interested in learning about the culture and history of fellow Slovenians. I enjoyed the description of the food, dress, and pictures of the cultural programs. Sylvia, Cleveland Ohio, USA Silvija Pisorn - 2005.12.29. Ich wünsche Euch viel Erfolg mit dieser Webseite! Ich bin ein slowenischer Student in Österreich und freue mich sehr, dass auch Slowenen ausserhalb der slowenischen Staatsgrenzen berücksichtigt werden. Mirko, Innsbruck - 2005.12.27. Èestitke! Kar tako naprej! Sem Slovenec iz Primorske in sem zadovoljen, da lahko zvem kaj veè o rojakih, ki ¾ivijo na Mad¾arskem. Luka - 2005.12.7. |